Monday, February 2, 2015


Vir Heroicus Sublimus by Barnett Newman

Whenever I go the MoMA, I am the most interested in the minimalist pieces. I think it's because I like to pay attention to color choice, and also I usually prefer art to be as clean as possible. This piece was pretty cool to me because of how giant it was as well as even though it's 98% red, the thin strips of different color makes it more visually appealing. The strips are also very straight and clean. Although it is a simple piece, it seems to me that Barnett Newman still put a lot of though into color choice and composition as well as perfect execution. It also stands out from the other minimalist pieces that all are basically one solid color because lf its size.


  1. It's a very simple piece of art but I personally question it's worth because how much thought was really put into this? I understand that it is a minimalist piece but this seems to be too simple.

  2. I have actually seen this piece of artwork in person before and I really enjoyed it mostly because of its simplicity. One thing that caught my eye is that most of the artwork was one solid color and there were only two distinct lines that were different than the one solid which was interesting

  3. What is the 2%? If that red / brown strip belongs to the red family then is the white the 1%. The 1% will have more money than the 99% in 2016. Think about it.

  4. I have conflicting emotions about this piece because all art should be viewed with the same amount of complexity even though this work is really simple

  5. This piece is super bold! I wonder what kind of emotions the author was experiencing when creating this piece. As well, I wonder what is the significance of the vertical lines.

  6. Personally, I think this painting isn't as creative as some might say it is. I think the effort one person gives into the painting is important but this is way to simple. This painting had more potential.

  7. From the picture, the painting's color looks more fuschia-magenta. I enjoy minimalist works because you really focus basic art elements. From the photo, my eyes keep jumping back and forth from the those skinny strips of color. I know viewers look at minimalist work and think it's so easy to do but doing something simple is not always easy.

    ps. You're missing some blog posts. Get on that.
