Thursday, October 2, 2014

It's My Life

Hi, I'm Antony DiGiacomo and this is my blog that I had to make against my will, but the idea is growing on me. There will be different graphic design works I will be posting and reflecting on over the year, and maybe there will be more after I graduate, or I'll just move this all to tumblr.

Now I will talk about me

I am a musician and there is a link to my band's page on bandcamp if you ever care enough. We're pretty much a rock band and we periodically play shows, and I'm working on personel songs that I may share soon, if I ever complete them. I'd also like to share my inspirations, as I have many musicians I admire. Pavement has been my favorite band for over three years now and has heavily influenced my songwriting, but I also love Richard Hell, The Pixies and Bob Pfeifer.

Other than being a musician I really just like to play videogames, watch movies, and play football.

My top 5 videogames would probably be:
 Deadly Premonition, Killer 7, Dead Rising, Fez, and Ultimate Spider-Man

My 5 favorite movies are:
 Drive, Dredd, Star Wars Episode V, The Matrix, and Frank

And finally my favorite football team is the Steelers.

That's a good amount of information about me, but I don't want to tell you everything so that I have new studd to talk about when I have homework for this class.

Nice talking with you all, and don't be jerks.

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