Tuesday, March 17, 2015


1. What first caught my eye with this cover was the color choice, because it reminds me 3D glasses, which are really bright colors that I think go well together, especially with white. But I also thought it was an interesting cover since the background is colorful, bright, and also very clean and minimal, and then there's a black and white photo of a woman as the focal point. It creates a strong contrast between the realistic and abstract, as well as the colorful and monotone.

2. I guess I chose this cover because I've always liked 50's newspaper lettering, and it's cool that you can see a crease through Winchell's face, which makes it seem more like a vintage newspaper. I also like the simplicity and the black background. 

3. This cover was just funny to me. I like the how everything seems pretty perfect with the nuclear family mother and daughter, and the subtitle is "Through Guilt and Manipulation."It's a good contrast contrast between perfect and kind of evil. 

4. For this cover, I like how well it connects to the book title, though I don't really know what the book is like. The book is called The Art of Immersion, and the cover has a strong sense of immersion since it is very three dimensional. The repeated lines make it feel like I actually am being immersed in the book. 

5. This is possibly my favorite cover, mainly because of how abstract it is while still representing the book well. This is also the only one these books I have read. But the each character's last name is a color in the book, except for the protagonist, which each of the colored rectangles represent. But it's also cool how the rectangles make up a hand. 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

School of Rock Logo

1. The most challenging part of creating this logo for me was tranlating the draft that I hand drew to Illustrator. I made the design have a lot of details, and I'm not really that experienced with Illustrator yet so it took a lot more time than I hoped. To get a product I was content with I tried to simlify the logo as much as possible while also keeping the main idea, which was a man shouting School of Rock. I also worked on making the typeface a little more complex so that all of the logo didn't seem too basic.

2. I think the most succesful part of my logo design is that it is very clean and represents the club well. I think the composition is a little unorthodox, but I like that because I think it fits the theme of rock music well, since it usually is about not being normal. And even with an asymmetrical composition there isn't anything that I feel looks out of place. Overall I think I did a pretty good job at meeting myself half way and making a logo that looks like it took a lot of work.

Midwinter Recess: A Reflection

This last midwinter break I tried to spend relaxing and doing what I wanted to do in reward for all of my accomplishments. My accomplishment being getting into my top choice college, which I knew before Christmas Break, but wanted to milk as much as possible. So I went to the hamptons to stay at my godfather's house and didn't really do much for a good five days. It was a really good way to destress, but it also kind of messed me up because it's getting harder to be motivated to do work. But when I returned I did record some music with my good friends for the rest of the break, which I found very productive and something I am proud of, though we are not completely done yet. Unfortuneately I left some work to do at the last minute, including some of my exhibition work, and also this homework assignment. Please forgive me Ms. Lee.

And here is a very poor quality photo of my girlfriend, my friend, and me in the hamptons.

Book Covers

There has been a lot of interpretations for the book cover of The Metamorphosis, though I always thought that this cover was pretty interesting since it's not really portraying any of the characters, but it still very accurately captures the tone of this book. It shows a human family all sitting around doing regular things, but the proportions are distorted as well a an uncomfortably positioned child on the floor. The overall scene is pretty average, but still everything seems really wrong, which much of Kafka's style revolves around. Which is having a realistic scene with subtle surreal elements thrown in.